Meet The Mentor - Tracey Woodward

This weeks mentor series mentor is the formidable and very wonderful Tracey Woodward.

Tracey has dominated the beauty industry, holding roles at some of the most influential beauty brands including Aveda, Urban Retreat Spa at Harrods and Harvey Nichols, as well as working as an advisor for Marks & Spencer where she helped re-design and develop the beauty department. Most recently Tracey was CEO at Aromatherapy Associates and this is where Tracey and I crossed paths. I worked under Tracey for over two years and I can honestly say she gave me some of the best advice, mentoring and support I have had in my career. A lady who even though extremely busy would always take time to go through any concerns, offer advice and introduce other like-minded professionals who she felt would help my development. I am delighted to have Tracey feature in this series and hope you enjoy reading her advice.

Best piece of advice you were ever given?

Have purpose, self-belief and a plan. I’m not sure one person told me all of the above but I have had the most amazing mentors and all of them have given me that advice and so much more. We come into the world happy, with spirit and energy - don’t waste your energy and protect your spirit. Never underestimate the value of being happy, it’s the one priority we should make for ourselves.

What is your perception of spas and do you feel the perception of beauty therapists need to change?

I love spas and how they help people to be better, feel better relax and perhaps at times change their perspective. I feel that we are the most underpaid form of therapy. I have met some amazing men and women that have soothed, cared and calmed away my stresses. We have never been in more need of self-care than now. Life moves so fast and we are less connected and probably the loneliest we’ve ever been.

Best kept secret spa & which treatment would you pick and why?

I have too many to mention but I can say never leave booking the ultimate spa break or treatment to yourself. Get in touch with Spa Breaks, tell them what you want and why and you will be well looked after and without a doubt you will not be disappointed.

How do you practice wellbeing in your workplace?

Right now I have no workplace to practice in but I soon start the most amazing and exciting new role. I am moving to the midlands and joining an organisation that totally focuses on self-care and wellbeing for all. I truly believe that people need to be lured into self- care, as individuals we never believe we should be our priority in life but we are here to live our best life possible and also once we learn how to look after ourselves we become open to supporting and looking after others. I truly believe that more companies need to embrace wellness in the workplace. There is an amazing lady Gemma Goodacre founder of Wellbe.. watch what she does for this sector.

What do you wish you had known before taking your first management role?

I think I would have not been as successful if I had known more. The fact that I was and still am humble and open to learning has been my success. Be ready to learn from failure as much as success and enjoy the journey.

If you could tell your 18 year old self one thing what would it be?

Everything will be alright, enjoy the journey and never be afraid to ask for help. People are kind and they will help you if you ask.

Thank you again Tracey!


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